Helpful friends are great. They're there to offer advice and support Travis Hamonic Flames Jersey , and generally listen to your complaints or concerns about looking for a job. However when heading on the interview trail, you might want to enlist a few of them for a more intense critique of your interview style. Here's how you can make them not only helpful, but useful, by telling them what to listen for in your answers.
Of course the first thing you need to do is to take some time with your resume to identify what experiences you have had that you would like to tell an employer. What in your background makes you the perfect candidate for the position? Keep in mind that past behavior is the best predictor of future performance, so look for those examples of Teamwork Sean Monahan Flames Jersey , Obstacles, Duties, Achievements and Your Strengths and Weaknesses that will prove your excellent performance to them.
Once you have done some of the prep work, you can sit down with a friend or a group of friends for a mock interview session. They don't have to have experience as a hiring manager or in Human Resources. They do need to be good listeners and willing to give you honest feedback.
What they're going to listen for is this:
1. How well did you set the stage? Did you give enough background to the sound bite you were telling? Were your friends able to clearly visualize your situation? Regardless of the industry or their personal experiences, they should be able to understand the background of your sound bite.
2. You are the Star! I have to say that the most common problem I hear when I am coaching people on their sound bites is that they will dance around actually saying phrases like ?I did this? Mikael Backlund Flames Jersey , ?It was my idea?, and ?I thought we should?. The interviewer is hiring you, not the other people that you worked with. They want to know what you actually did. This is the #1 way to prove to them that you are qualified for their position. Make sure that your friends give you concrete yes or no feedback as to how well you get this point across. Make them repeat back to you exactly what YOU did on the project, and find ways to improve your sound bite to emphasize the points that you want an interviewer to remember.
3. How did the situation resolve? This is where you show an interviewer that you are a thinking, learning Mark Giordano Flames Jersey , rational person. The ability to draw intelligent conclusions and show that you learn from your mistakes is an important quality in any valuable employee. Some good ways to wrap up your sound bite is by answering the following questions in your conclusion: Would you do handle the situation the same way today?, Did you ever find yourself in another situation down the road and handle it differently?, How did you feel about how it resolved?
Using friends to prepare for interviews is a good way to get live feedback and dramatically improve your performance?especially for those of us who dislike hearing ourselves on tape. The key to making sure that you get the most out of this is encouraging your friend to be honest and that it is for your own good to hear their opinions. The benefit of hiring a coach however is that you will always get the good and bad feedback, and don't risk the strain on a friendship (and you'll still have a place to watch the Superbowl on Sunday.)
Finding Personal Peace at Christmas Self Help Articles | December 10, 2010 Did you ever think that the end of life could be just like the day after Christmas? You get to the other side and say TJ Brodie Flames Jersey , ??What was that all about??
The holiday season is a micro version of our lives. During most of the year, we run from meeting to meeting, grab some groceries, pick up the kids, drop the dog at the vet Cam Talbot Flames Jersey , then hit the front door at the end of the day and collapse into a chair with a huge sigh.
Christmas is the same. Write the holiday greeting cards, buy the gifts, wrap the gifts, decorate the tree, then onto to the party Matthew Tkachuk Flames Jersey , and then the next. Did I mention get to the hairdresser?
I feel like that guy spinning plates on the Ed Sullivan show.
Can we live with chaos all around us and still find peace?
Yes, Virginia, there is a way.
Betty-Ann, have you been accidently overdosing on your HRT meds?
First, accept that the demands upon us James Neal Flames Jersey , and upon our time, will always be there. They may change their tune a little, but we are always dancing to the music. The trick is to find peace in the midst of all the noise.
Buddhists tell us that peace comes from within. That means peace is always accessible to us. We can find it and we can feel it, even at the height of the most frantic time of the year.
When our daughters were small and I was working like a mad woman, I learned to meditate. Our house was old and short of space Johnny Gaudreau Flames Jersey , and so, while the girls played hockey in the hall and fired pucks at the bedroom door, I meditated.
Somehow I managed to get beyond the racket and anchor myself internally. When I emerged from my meditation ? and found the dog had thrown up everywhere ? it didn?t bother me near as much as it could have.
In the same way, finding peace in the midst of the holiday season uproar will help us access those feelings of calm throughout the rest of the year.